Use The Law To Put Your Life Back In Balance

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Use The Law To Put Your Life Back In Balance

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Tips for newly divorced parents

On Behalf of | Apr 24, 2019 | Uncategorized |

If you have recently divorced, you may not have your footing in this new reality. It takes a while to transition to a life that has split after years as a duo.

When you have children, establishing a new normal for them is paramount to their success and happiness. For that to happen, you need to figure out how to create a new normal for yourself as well. Life as a single parent takes some adjustment. Take these friendly tips to heart when trying to settle into your new life.

Adhere to the parenting plan

One of the best things you can do when first adjusting is sticking to the parenting plan you created during your divorce. This document acts as a guide for how you should handle things such as the following:

  • Visitation
  • School activities
  • Holiday deviations
  • Pick up and drop off schedule

Getting yourself and your kids into a good groove will help everyone get on track.

Keep lines of communication open

Divorce is tough, even when the parties seem to agree that it is for the best. Co-parenting with your ex may cause stress and also escalate into conflict. It is best, especially in the beginning, to keep communication to a minimum; however, keep the channels open. Perhaps only talk through text message to avoid verbal altercations or misunderstandings. Never use the children as a go-between to deliver messages.

Give yourself time to heal

Whether your divorce was pleasant or not, you need time to get used to the new situation. Even if you remain in the home you once shared, things can come up that make your emotions flutter. Take time for yourself. Ask those closest to you to support you. When your ex is exercising visitation, instead of sinking into a bad mood, find something fun to keep your attention. It is times like these where connecting with others you care for will help.

Splitting up requires people to take stock of their lives and reimagine it. It is an opportunity to set out on a new path and shift into a happy life.